Thursday, October 14, 2010

Colour in Architecture

I came across this website when researching and just thought it had some interesting images of architecture and was worth noting for inspiration and using colour in architecture.

These last 2 photos could be used in the design of the studio space.

Dividing space inspiration

I was looking on for inspiration on how to divide up spaces in an interesting way. Because my space is so large with many different components I want my concept of 'fragmented geometry' to run through all aspects of the design and dividing up spaces is a big part of this. What I like about the designs below is that they don't shut off spaces from each other but divide them and leaves little peek-a-boo elements to the dividers, which is something I would like to include in my design. I.  especially feel this element is important to include in my studio because as a designer I strongly believe that no element of design happens in isolation but that there are a huge number of influences and layers involved in the design process, so for my studio to reflect this idea of 'integration' is very important

the stairway is what I am interested in here, the skeletal effect.

I like how the wood has spacing between it so you can still see through the division.

I like the louvred design behind the windows for the same reason above, of seeing through.

Focused on the left hand image, I like the peek-a-boo effect working on a horizontal basis.

External Skin Inspiration

When researching I came across this Melbourne Recital Centre that has been designed by Ashton Raggatt McDougal architects. I thought the design was similar to that of my buildings external skin, but something that was interesting was the lights which highlight the geometric forms. I think it could be interesting to add another element to the skin such as lights or maybe an interactive component.


MY CONCEPT FOR THIS PROJECT IS 'FRAGMENTED GEOMETRY' - inspired by the research I have been doing on Toyo Ito and Cecil Balmond. 

My studio will be inspired by shapes and lines working together in unusual and different ways to achieve a space that is unique and an experience.

Library Inspiration

When looking on I came across this coffee shop in New York and I feel that it demonstrates perfectly the feel I want to achieve with my library. I want it to be a cave of books where patrons can curl up inside and enjoy reading their books.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Toyo Ito

I continued researching the Serpentine pavilion designers and looked at the work of Toyo Ito, a Japanese designer who I love. I love the way he wraps the buildings he designs, making them stand out in their surroundings. By keeping his designs in white it means that the skin of the building changes throughout the day, with the reflections of the sunset, or the lights inside the building shining out at night, it makes the skin a multi dimensional element to the building. I love the shapes that he achieves with the wrapping of the building as well.

Cecil Balmond

After researching the Serpentine Pavilions I was really inspired by the pavilion designed by Toyo Ito, which was done in collaboration with with designer, engineer, artist and architect Cecil Balmond. Because I was really inspired by the design of the gallery I decided to research further into the work of each of the designers involved.

I once again love the geometry and unusual use of shapes in the designs, I find his work very inspiring in the way that he doesn't leave surfaces just flat and blank but makes something interesting out of a wall or a surface.

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion's

 Toyo Ito's Pavillion from 2002

 Olafur Eliasson and Kjetil Thorsen pavilion from 2007
Alvaro Siza and Eduardo Souto de Moura's design from 2005

These temporary structures at the Serpentine Gallery in London are architecturally very interesting to me, I love how the designers have created spaces that are sculptural. I like the way line and shapes have been utilised to create unusual walls and ceilings and windows.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Japanese architect: Yashurio Yamashito

I love Japanese designers, I find their approach to design so interesting and unique, so one Japanese architect I'm very interested in is Yashurio Yamashito, I like the geometric features to his work, I think it makes the structures look very interesting while giving them a sleekness.

Japanese Shell House

This house in the woods of Karuizawa Japan is designed by the Japanese architecture firm Artechnic. I love the organic feel to it and the way it moves. I also like the white line of the house continuing down to the floor, shown in the top right image.

Colour in Design

I like the use of colour in these designs, the spaces themselves are very normal but with the use of bright colours it transforms the space and makes it something interesting with a pop.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Hotel Silken Puerta America Madrid

In researching conceptual designs I came across this Madrid hotel, below is a blurb from their website explaining the design behind the hotel. In researching the hotel I found so many elements to it that I found so inspiring and interesting.

'The Hotel Silken Puerta América Madrid is a space that invites people to dream - a neverbeen- attempted-before project that has brought together nineteen of the top architecture and design studios in the world from thirteen different countries. Originality, luxury, innovation and formal freedom define a hotel that awakens its guests’ senses. Each of the floors showcases a different concept in hotel rooms. All play with different materials, colours and shapes to create spaces that bring together the best in avant-garde design and architecture, where creativity and the freedom to develop each of the spaces has been the hallmark.'

I like the shapes made by changing the angle of the glass and mirrors in all these pictures, I think it divides the space in an interesting way and could be used in my design in the library/entrance area to create an interesting divide. This floor is designed by Plasma Studio. 

I Love how the furniture and elements in the bedroom and bathroom all come out from the wall as a single piece, I think it looks sleek and very ergonomic. It makes the space look like it grew from an organic form. This floor is from designer Zaha Hadid.

The feature I like about this room is the lighting, how it comes from an unlikely source, such as the wall or bed side table, The colours are also unusual and gives the room an interesting atmosphere. The room is designed by Richard Gluckman. 

I think the lighting and finish on the walls turn the space into a large and easily forgettable one into something very interesting to move through and experience. With my space being relatively large, finishes and elements like this would really enhance it. The red hallway is designed by Marc Newson and the darker hallway by David Chipperfield. 

These are images from the basement of the hotel and gave me the idea of including graphic elements in the studio space to my design, because it is a graphic design studio this is very fitting. 

Finally as a reception area I think this wall is very interesting, in my design I have a partition to seperate the library from the business side and then the client meeting area from the studio space, so an interesting divider like this would work really well. It also creates interesting spaces within the larger space. It is designed by John Pawson.